Breaking News



Amravati, Jan 19, (
The term of office of the Governing Body of Cooperative Societies has reached the end. Will the elections be held in the background? Will the current governance be extended, and rule with the special authorities? There is a universal thriller on the issue. While the term of these unions is just a month, the majority of those ruling parties feel that the election will not be in government.
In fact, the three-year-old cooperative organizations have to conduct elections for five years on a general election basis.


There are 1959 PACs in the state, 13 DSCBs at the district level, 13 DCMs, at the state level of Opportunity and Markfed. On the field level, the PACS will be elected to the post of Director and the Presidential Election. Elections to district and state level should be held later. However, the government is confident that the ruling party in the ruling party will not be exposed to the ruling party in the field. To maintain this election, there is a need to pre-exercise on many issues, such as voter additions, deletions, and lists statement.

But there is nothing like that. If elections are not held, it is possible to extend the term for six months to two years. Or the termination period can be ruled by the appointment of special officers. This has to be approved by Cabinet. If the elections are not held, the coordination department has already sent a note to the government that the person's in-charge can be appointed for administrative convenience. The ball was reached to the court. Everything is waiting for his decision.
It will be clear after the Cabinet meeting on March 21. Several societies belonging to the ruling party, the DCCB, and DCM, want to stay for a longer period without being appointed by the Special Officers. It is reported that the majority of the ruling parties, especially the ruling party, have won in the Opposition party during the last election and are now supporting the ruling party. The interest and excitement of the government are what the government will take.

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