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Heavy relief for the kidneys ..The people think that they are staying!

Chennai, December 25 ( RK Nagar surrounds cases with sub-election .. Heavy comfort to the kidnapped experience. Whether there is a Modi or a Delhi in Delhi, or even a bad thing, the small message that the Tamil people are still in. Now she has no doubt that she has got a strong strength. Prison life is not even known. You know that you can be silent when you feel unexpected blows. After Amma's death .. After the scenes behind the scenes in the seat of the seat, if you sit in it, you do not have to calculate the pearl baby. And that's what I had to do at that time, and I was told that she had given some orders. The rebellion was well. Even though the child's light was taken up, she was unable to recover as she had been forced to believe that she was a Muslim. But nothing but endeavoring to sneak into the power of his own self-esteem. The Tamil Nadu does not like Modi and Co. on their state. At the same time, she did not show much interest to meet with Modi .. At the same time, the difference between her and the Paliyi duo Modi Mastiari Jee Hujur,

At the same time, there was no truth in the propaganda of what was being done to Apollo Hospital in the RK Nagar polling day before the polling day, as well as with the archeologists and the idea that the Apollo episode of Tamil Nadu had no idea that there was too much to doubt. It is clear that the polling of the party has nothing to do with the Modi party's blessings. An interesting tweet appeared on social media. There is Modi's play anywhere in the country but there is nothing in the state that you do not have the state of the tweet that it is Tamil Nadu. It is interesting to note that the politics of Tamil politics will change. Now the MLAs of Palani, with the feeling that he is not strong, can rethink with a fresh understanding. The consequences will not change immediately but it is unlikely that the dinakaran moving in the background will change. The penalty that the sentence he is serving in jail may not seem to be big. She does not feel like a big thing in front of the Tamil people as she is with her. In other words, she can be happy for her condition. Because the reason for her being in jail is that the Tamils feel that they have to go to Modi in the days ahead, what more can she do?

The backlash in the RK Nagar by-election will be confusing to the DMK. They can understand how badly the result will be if the hands are combined with Modi. However, it is not easy to change the direction immediately. The limits of the jail in the jail are well known. Focus on the householder who has driven him out of the home, and pulmonary strategy can be prepared to see them. Only after their work has been done, it is possible to focus on the diversified DMK. In total, the RKNagar result is the same thing as the pyramid returns .. Palani .. for the paneer .. small mummy returns. Matallev. Let's talk. Face to face. How can Tamil Nadu's politics be in the coming days?

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