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Bhuvanagiri,February 7,(
In today's modern age, he manages to run the life of the runner. When does this accident happen to know when the danger is going to happen? If the risk of any family is lost, what is the condition of the family? How are they livelihood? In many ways, the members of the Bhuvanagiri parliamentary party in Bhadwagiri district of Yadavgarh district have taken the risk of professional casualty insurance in Aalaru through the foundation founded by Bhoora Narsia Goud.


huara Narsia Goud Lakshmi Narasimhaswamy received applications from beneficiaries from Aldaru district of Addai district for the casualty of the occupants by Bhoora Lakshmana Rajamma Foundation. TRS party office president Anurag Mohan Rao said in a statement issued by the TRS party at the Trichy Venkatesh office of the city of Tirur, at the Swansea Vedi complex, that the members of Parliament have taken up this insurance policy without the hardships of the sudden deaths and the Bhuvanagiri Parliamentary Rule It is said that the only insurance coverage available to the intelligence community is now a popularity across Telangana.

The applicant will also be able to pay a sovereign amount of Rs.20 / - along with the applicant's salary card Xerox along with the application of the nominee for a five-year casualty insurance year. He said that this insurance would be used when death threats, drowning in the water, permanent disability or premature death. Eighteen years old is also full of twelve years Su insurance to those who are entitled to security, to all the people of the state of Telangana is going to make use of the opportunity to everyone to qualify vartinstundani.

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