Breaking News



Kurnool,June 2,(
Engineering department has been subjected to severe irregularities in monitoring the development activities undertaken by Srisailam for the convenience of devotees. A contracted firm of the party leader won huge work in the field of Srisaila. The job was assigned to monitor the work. Accusations have been made that the office of the deity is behind the overwhelming majority of the work done in the field. 


In the engineering section, these are DECs, while mainly AEs are supervised. With respect to the tasks, they will have to draw measurements, equities and drawings from the design of the plan. The Divisional Department has appointed eight Contract AICs as part of the development of the Srisailam Deity. Seven of these are about Rs. While 50 crore jobs are being monitored, an AEE is supposed to have several suspicions over a quarter of a crore work. In March 2013, five EPIs were acquired at the time of EOZ. Their three-year term limit came to the court. If any of them are required in the temple, the court should not provide them with a " In March, 2017, Bhankumar, Rajaram, Pranay, Vishnu Babu, Anand, Suresh Reddy and Maheshwar Reddy took the curator over the contract for five years. Though three of these were not passed in the test, information was taken on the pressure of political leaders.

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