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Vijayawada,February 8,(
What is the apple bombs? When you ask the Bharatiya Janata Party, you can answer the most correctly. Because they know how to look at the taste of the AP Social Bombs. When we were on TV, we found hundreds of thousands of bombs in what kind of American warplanes were on Iraq... That kind of API social bombs on the BJP rain. The Bharatiya Janata Party Facebook page still exists .. AP Youth demands, abuses, complaints, and compliments.


The Bharatiya Janata Party Official Facebook Page... From Budget... There is a lot of comments that are being done by the AP Young People. The Facebook page has a rating of 5 stars for this FaceBook page. After the unfair injustice in the Budget, AP Youth has been widely called on social media, and a huge response has come .. AP Youth Booking Official Facebook Book Book Page Single Star Ratings. This is the one-day total page rating dropped to 1.5. The page administrator has been removed from the rating option. 

Probably, Bajpapapa feels that checking bomb blasts on the social networks of the APEIT social media. But can they make comments? Now the official Facebook page of the Bajpai .. Complaints and postings showing AP youth. 'Turn on Congress', 'focus on Andhra', 'We need specialization', 'Divide guarantees must be fulfilled' and 'Identify the wishes of Andhra people'. Comrades are coming out of the way. Comrade Narendra Modi, who knows how to use social media basics. But now it seems like he is enjoying the dowry of the younger generation of the social media as a social media witness. In the social media, it is not easy to obscure anyone as long as it does not. It can be shown on social platforms until the bounds of freedom of expression are beyond limits. Modi should probably understand what the opposite is about the party and the government in Andhra Pradesh. At least this social media bombardment has responded to and he will see justice to the AP.

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