Ramadevi from Ithalpadu village in the Kasi Naniya Mandal district of the district continues to live in Rohini Mill in Tamil Nadu. But she's made like her. All his attire looked like the Magadias. After the marriage, the whole family got married. Initially married to a girl named Bujji (16) from Prodigalur town. A second girl was married to Vandha (17), a girl from a pond pond in Mudigugba mandal in Anantapur district. Three months ago, she married Nirmala (17) from Bhimagundam village, the big mammoth mandal in Jammala Muttu constituency. Every time I get married, I have no holidays. Soon going to put the samsara there. Then there is a ritual of asking someone else to marry without a patta. The third bride was getting married to Ramadevi for some days. Ramadey holds the pakka plan. The matter reached Jammal Mamata police station. As police tried to investigate, Ramadevi got married to the bridegroom in the dressing room.
Ramadevi from Ithalpadu village in the Kasi Naniya Mandal district of the district continues to live in Rohini Mill in Tamil Nadu. But she's made like her. All his attire looked like the Magadias. After the marriage, the whole family got married. Initially married to a girl named Bujji (16) from Prodigalur town. A second girl was married to Vandha (17), a girl from a pond pond in Mudigugba mandal in Anantapur district. Three months ago, she married Nirmala (17) from Bhimagundam village, the big mammoth mandal in Jammala Muttu constituency. Every time I get married, I have no holidays. Soon going to put the samsara there. Then there is a ritual of asking someone else to marry without a patta. The third bride was getting married to Ramadevi for some days. Ramadey holds the pakka plan. The matter reached Jammal Mamata police station. As police tried to investigate, Ramadevi got married to the bridegroom in the dressing room.
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