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Chakachaka Amaravati Roads.

Vijayawada, December 1, ( roads that are being constructed to connect all the regions of Amaravati City capital have become important. According to the state government administration, the requirement of roads has increased in the wake of about 41 companies already allocated. The construction works of 10 artillery roads have risen to 90.48 km, including 18.30 km seed access road, which is constructed directly to Amaravati. The 1031 artillery land required for construction of 10 arterial roads is 991 acres in land mobilization. However, about 3.8 per cent was acquired by 43 acres of Land Acquisition, another 2.5 per cent 29 acres through a consultation agreement. The number of families affected by the road construction has significantly reduced, as CRDA officials are taking full care to ensure that land is lost and the number of structures in the land needed for seed access road is reduced. The city's transport requirements are important but they are not limited to the benefits of livelihood You have to say that the obstacles are gone. The CRDA Commissioner Cherukuri Sridhar ordered the officials to make all the facilities of the resettlement colonies to ensure their homes and other assets and to the families of the people who were evicted. The development of these rehabilitation colonies in the state of Raipur and Nawaluru is continually going on. Cement road construction is already completed in Leh, which is being constructed in 3 acres in Raypadi for 66 families living in the Seed Access road construction. Electric poles, water supply and drains are being set up. The N-4 road was resettled for rehabilitation of 48 families who were displaced due to the roads constructed across the villages of Kurugal, Nidarmarai and Nawalur. The majority of people affected by this 14th road are enthusiastic about taking plots in rehabilitation colonies and a total of 6.4 acres is being developed. The agreement deals with all the benefits of a contractual policy as well as a two-year compensation for house construction and a grant of APPLIATING Housing Corporation Scheme along with the Plinth Area Plot for residential plot. Similarly, families who are rehabilitated are paying Rs. 50,000 for transportation, while another Rs 25,000 is provided for small livestock and small shops. Within Rs.50,000 per month, they are paying for ten years, including compensation. It is worth mentioning that the development of colonial development activities is active in the development of rehabilitation areas.

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