Sensible actor Nara Rohit and Stylish Villain Jagapati Babu both acted intelligent thrillers "AATAGALU". Paruchuri Murali is directing this movie and is produced jointly by Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jitendra on the banner of Friends Movie Creations. Darshaña Banik is the heroine opposite Nara Rohit. The movie is currently shooting post production programs. Today hero Nara Rohit started dubbing for the film.
The film makers Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jithendra said, "The output of the film has come out very well and we have started dubbing today, and our hero Nara Rohit started the dubbing today and director Murali's" AATAGALU " Nara Rohit-Jagapathi Babu's characters will be impressive throughout the audience. Soon the first look, the summer version of the film trailer released Marthand K. Venkatesh, Art: RK Reddy, PRO: Vamsi-Shekhar, Executive Producer: M. Seetharama Raju, Director: Producers: Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jitendra, Screenplay and directed by Paruchuri Murali.
Sensible actor Nara Rohit and Stylish Villain Jagapati Babu both acted intelligent thrillers "AATAGALU". Paruchuri Murali is directing this movie and is produced jointly by Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jitendra on the banner of Friends Movie Creations. Darshaña Banik is the heroine opposite Nara Rohit. The movie is currently shooting post production programs. Today hero Nara Rohit started dubbing for the film.
The film makers Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jithendra said, "The output of the film has come out very well and we have started dubbing today, and our hero Nara Rohit started the dubbing today and director Murali's" AATAGALU " Nara Rohit-Jagapathi Babu's characters will be impressive throughout the audience. Soon the first look, the summer version of the film trailer released Marthand K. Venkatesh, Art: RK Reddy, PRO: Vamsi-Shekhar, Executive Producer: M. Seetharama Raju, Director: Producers: Vasireddy Ravindra-Vasireddy Shivaji-Makkena Ramu-Vadlapudi Jitendra, Screenplay and directed by Paruchuri Murali.
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