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kommaram bheem, March 5, (
The number of people suffering from illnesses is increasing in the joint Adilabad district. The locals say that this problem has been raised as many sellers add to the prohibition of banned stimulants in the field of Dhanarjana. In the district, young people also used to accustomed with the toddy. However, there are no trees to meet demand. That is why merchants are doing the damage to the lives of the people. Regionally, palm calories are also popular for swimming. But there is only about 50 thousand palm trees across the joint district. The trees are as much as half as much as 50 thousand. Stripe workers say that only 10,000 trees are coming out continually. On the other hand, if we get 20 liters per day from each tree, the calculation of 2 lakh liters per day. But the Tree Corps (TFT) has been selling millions in the district every day to sell the tree. The remainder of the lakhs are sold for nearly 4 lakh customers. The locals say that 10% of the trees have been added to the catalysts and making 100% of the toddy.


There have been criticisms that all the cellular manufacturing centers in the district are producing stimulants with the catalysts. It is said that about ten thousand liters of fibers are made of ten liters of crockery. It is said that alfazolam, dijofam, for the drugs, is the way to get a white blanket to get a white patch. Besides, the saucer is available for use in the market, in the form of sweeteners. All these are the prohibited substances, and the consumers are suffering from illnesses. There are times when some people lost their lives. These banned substances are imported from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The crew performs checks at checkpoints because they do not care much about this. There are allegations that some police and Abkari authorities are encouraging imports of prohibited drugs such as alpha-jolam. Yet the department of the relevant department still responds to the sale of adulterated liquor in the district and the merchant wants to take strenuous measures without using prohibited stimulants. Otherwise, people are threatening to kill Kalti

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