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kodandaram is not the melee of the hills: Palla

Kodaṇḍaram is not the melee of the hills: Palla
Do not get caught in unemployed Kodaṇḍaram trap: Balkan

Hyderabad, December 2, (ṇḍḍaram is not doing the battlefields .. He is fighting for his job, TRS MLA Pala Rajeswar Reddy criticized. The TRS government has worked with the government to work for the job. Kodaṇḍaram complained about the allegations of compensation for jobs. The MLA speaks with the media at TRSLP office. The country's unemployment rate is higher than the state. The unemployment rate in the country is 3.7 per cent and in Telangana only 2.7 per cent. We have identified lakhs of 12,000 government jobs. The government is committed to the promise of compensation for jobs. Palla Rajeswar Reddy suggested that the unemployed should focus on exams. Fears have been criticized for being politically motivated. Recall that the BJP promised during the election to make crore jobs when it came to power at the Center. Will the party not support the fight against the BJP? Questioned. Recall that employment opportunities have increased significantly in the private sector. Kodaṇḍaram questioned who was fighting. Country. MLC Palla Rajeswar Reddy asked whether the Congress was responsible for the growth of the unemployed in the state.
TRS MP Balkha Suman said that the cases of opposition to the delay in job compensation are attributable to them. One hundred and 100% emphasized that 12,000 jobs will be replaced. The unemployed urged Kodaṇḍaram to avoid damaging the future. Kodaṇḍaram was accused of conspiring to fire the state government by using guns on unemployed sides. The TPSSPC has suggested that the crib should not be forgotten. Suman said that Deputy Chief Minister Kadiyam Srihari is reviewing fifteen days for recruitment of jobs.

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