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Stopping egg supply to anganwadi...

Kurnool, November 30 ( in the Jubbarabad district of Kurnool district are reported to have not been able to supply chicken mills. The pregnancy, pregnant women and children are not given a part of the nutritional supplement. The situation is likely to be due to the rising prices of eggs. One egg in grocery shops Sold to 7s. Many have commented that contractors have stopped supplying egg to the Anganwadi centers as prices have risen sharply. Nandivakottakuru ICDS project is not supplied to Anganwadi centers for a month. As a result, pregnant women, infants and young children do not have nutrition. The government is implementing the scheme 'Anna Amrutha Hastham' for the poor tribal and rural areas of the state and children. This scheme provides nutrition through the Anganwadi centers for qualified mothers.
This initiative is aimed at preventing any mother from being nutritional deficiencies. Through this scheme, pregnant women provide nutritional supplements to give birth to perfectly healthy children. But at present the rising prices are in the Anganwadi centers where pregnant women have no nutrition. In addition, the menu does not run properly in these centers. As part of the Anna Amrita Scheme, pregnant women and children need different kinds of goods, eggs and milk. At present the price rise is adjusted to the fact that the goods are not properly distributed. For pregnant women and children, give milk, rice, pulp and curry at 200 millimeters. The green leafy vegetables should be given three times a week. Permanent egg must be given. The price of the chicken egg is now Rs 7 per unit. Now the authorities want to react to the anganwad in the Anganwadi centers to take action.

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